姓名 李亚男
职称 讲师
专业 园艺
邮箱 liyanan@jlau.edu.cn
2010. 09-2014. 06吉林农业大学资源环境科学学士
2014. 09-2017. 06吉林农业大学植物营养学硕士
2019. 09-2023. 06吉林农业大学植物营养学博士
2023 .01-至今吉林农业大学园艺学院讲师
1.Li Yanan, Wang Chengyu, Wu Junnan, Zhang Yumang, Li Qi, Liu Shuxia, Gao Yunhang. The effects of localized plant–soil–microbe interactions on soil nitrogen cycle in maize rhizosphere soil under long-term fertilizers. Agronomy. 2023, 13: 2114.
2.Li Yanan, Wang Chengyu, Chang Hongyan, Zhang Yumang, Liu Shuxia, He Wentian. Metagenomics reveals the effect of long-term fertilization on carbon cycle in the maize rhizosphere. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023,14: 1170214
3.Li Yanan, Wang Chengyu, Wang Tianye, Liu Yutao, Jia Shuxia, Gao Yunhang, Liu Shuxia. Effects of different fertilizer treatments on rhizosphere soil microbiome composition and functions. Land, 2020, 9(329)
4.Li Yanan, Wang Tianye, Wang Chengyu, Li Mingsong, Liu Shuxia. Responses of soil rhizosphere fungi to N application levels in different types of soil. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2021(3): 1645-1659.
5. Cui Juntao,Li Yanan, Wang Chengyu, Kyung Seok Kim, Wang Tianye, Liu Shuxia. Characteristics of the rhizosphere bacterial community across different cultivation years in saline-alkaline paddy soils of Songnen plain of China. Canadian journal of microbiology. 2018, 64(12):925-936.