姓名 石广丽
职称 讲师
专业 园艺
邮箱 shiguanglii@163.com
博士,研究方向为北方特色浆果生物育种。主要从事五味子等北方特色浆果遗传育种与生物技术研究。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、吉林省科技厅、吉林省发改委等项目5项;审定吉林省林木新品种1个;参编专著3部,发表论文10余篇,其中主笔SCI 4篇。
2009. 09-20013. 07吉林农业大学园艺学士
2013. 09-2016. 07沈阳农业大学果树学硕士
2019. 09-2023. 07吉林农业大学植物学博士
2016. 07-2019. 06中国农业科学院特产研究所助理研究员
2023. 09-至今 吉林农业大学 园艺学院 讲师
1.Shi Guangli, Zhu Bin Hong, Sun Dan, Wang Zhen Xing, Ai Jun, Geng Jia Qi, Li Xiang, Yu Miao, Zhao Cheng Cheng, Zhang Xi Yu. Genetic diversity and population structure of different Schisandraceae accessions by EST-SSR markers, Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 2024, 39: 100531.
2.Shi Guangli, Zhu Bin Hong, Ai Jun, Sun Dan, Wang Zhen Xing, Yu Miao, Liu Yu Meng, Li Xiang, Song Xin. Changes in lignans compounds and expression of genes in lignans biosynthetic pathways during the maturation ofSchisandra chinensisfruit, Industrial Crops & Products, 2023, 194: 116327.
3.Shi Guangli, Sun Dan, Wang Zhen Xing, Liu Xiao Ying, Guo Jian Hui, Zhang Su Su, Zhao Ying, Ai Jun.Construction of a resequencing‑based high‑density genetic map for grape using an interspecific population (Vitis amurensis×Vitis vinifera), Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, 2022, 63: 489-497.
4.Shi Guangli, Li Shuang, Wang Zhen Xing, Sun Ddan, Zhang Su Su, Guo Jian Hui, Ai Jun.EST-SSR markers development and application in an important medicinal plant,Schisandra chinensis(Schisandraceae), Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2020, 34(1): 1114-1121.